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About the Glass

All the glass within the Caribelli Collection of lamps were previously in MCM lamps of poor quality either found online or in vintage stores. Some of the glass was purchased as new old stock lamp parts. They are all vintage and hand blown Murano pieces or Fenton optic glass which was blown into a mold during production. It is very difficult to perfectly match lamp glass. Unless they were blown and produced at the same time, the shade and optic patterns will be off. The designer has spent years finding perfect matches in every lamp pair, which was not easy considering the pairs were rarely bought at the same time. The exception are the Murano Amethyst Teardrops which are the closest without being a perfect. A note: ametheyst is the truly rare color whether it be Murano hand blown or Fenton glass. One reason is that people love the color so much they rarely discard the lamps. Another reason is that Fenton stopped offered this color very early on. The Fenton optic globes you will see next are a perfect match, purchased three years apart salvaged from old hurricane lamps which is what they were designed for. Enjoy

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